Becca Jamrog
What is your favorite location, place, building, or spot in Royalton? Why?
I like to hang out on the green, probably at 3 in the morning. The skies are clear and you can see the stars, and it's really nice and relaxing and a pretty safe town, so I'm not worried about going out too late.
What do you think makes Royalton unique or different from other places you have lived or visited?
Everybody knows everybody. It's very easy going and friendly. The law students may be here for about a years, but I've gotten to know a few of them. One of them has actually come back.
What is the most challenging aspect of life in a small Vermont town like Royalton?
Everyone knows your business. It's gossip central.
What Royalton resident made a positive difference in your life?
My foster parents.
What do you want people to know about your town?
I't very cozy and just pleasant. A lot of towns can be pretty harsh and negative, but everyone seems to get along. People walk by and say hello or or good morning and it's nice.