Hillary Hoffmann
What is your favorite location, place, building, or spot in Royalton? Why?
The town green actually, we spend a lot of time out here running around; she likes to play here.
What do you think makes Royalton unique or different from other places you have lived or visited?
Its size, because it's so small. It's the smallest town I've ever lived in. And the people; I like the people.
What is the most challenging aspect of life in a small Vermont town like Royalton?
Lack of access to low cost groceries and things like that. We have the Co-Op, which is great, but you have to drive out of town for shopping or, for work I need dry cleaning and things like that so I have to go away.
What Royalton resident made a positive difference in your life?
I would say Carrie...I don't know her last name...McDonald? She runs all the summer programs for kids and activities for kids and has been a great resource for all of us.
What do you want people to know about your town?
That you can't really appreciate the place until you stop, get out of your car and talk to people. I think it's so tiny that you might just drive through and it would be a blip and you might think there is nothing here. There's a lot here.
What is your wish for your life? What is a wish for your town?
I would love to be able to stay here, but we're looking for a bigger house potentially, and the housing market is really limited here. We live in one of the old houses in the main part of the town and they're all small. So, limited housing. But for me, my job is here, school here, it's perfect for our lives.