Laura DiCicco
What is your favorite location, place, building, or spot in Royalton? Why?
I love going into the South Royalton Coop; there are so many great people always familiar face, really nice people who work there or go there.
What do you think makes Royalton unique or different from other places you have lived or visited?
Well, I grew up in Barnard, and I don't want to be offensive to south Royalton, but it's a little bit grimier (I know that's a horrible word) but it's more real than Barnard. It's a more genuine Vermont town.
What is the most challenging aspect of life in a small Vermont town like Royalton?
Definitely work; it's really hard to have a career that pays, that's meaningful. This is a really rural area. The job market is not the most booming. We could leave and go to a city but that would be really undesirable.
What Royalton resident made a positive difference in your life?
Almost every Royalton resident has made a positive difference in my life. The first people that come to mind are Lynn Hall and Dave Brandow, who own Standing Stone Perennial Farm, who taught me all about flowers, and I ended up studying agriculture at UVM after I started working for them. My boyfriend Aisa has also been hugely influential, and his parents Randy and Heather. JoJo Levassuer, she's incredible, and Genie McCallow, another one of my favorite Royalton residents.
What do you want people to know about your town?
I don't really want people to know about this town. It's kind of a secret. Even my friends from Burlington have a kind of poor impression of it, which I'm ok with...I don't want it to be a gentrified place that pushes the locals out, that happened in Barnard.
What is your wish for your life? What is a wish for your town?
I wish that Asa and I would be able to farm our land. I wish that South Royalton keeps going with what it has going on.