Rebecca Rogers
What is your favorite location, place, building, or spot in Royalton? Why?
I would have to say Macintosh Pond because it's very peaceful. It's just a nice area to enjoy some quiet space.
What do you think makes Royalton unique or different from other places you have lived or visited?
The community, everyone just being so close.
What is the most challenging aspect of life in a small Vermont town like Royalton?
I think initially challenging would be access to different things, or thinking that you have lack of access. But after living here for a while you really just realize that it's really just a driving thing. You're either in traffic or you're driving 20 minutes to go to the grocery store. In Florida I spent 20-30 minutes in line at a stop light.
What Royalton resident made a positive difference in your life?
I would say Shirley Jefferson. She's a dean at the law school. She's an amazing woman.
What do you want people to know about your town?
That it's a great community. It's a lot of fun to live here. There's a lot of really great things to do. Like the farmers market. Getting together, The farmers having really great produce that you can choose from without actually having to grow a garden yourself. Just like town events too, like the town band. It's just a small town community that is really just fun and relaxing.